The deadline to apply for Main Stage adjudication is Saturday, August 17th. This is the date of our first State Board meeting. The troupe director must attend this meeting to have a show adjudicated.
The Main Stage adjudication fee is $300. This does not need to accompany the application, but will need to be paid prior to adjudication.
Each high school is limited to having one show adjudicated each year.
Mainstage adjudication will be by video submission. We will have three independent (non-school affiliated) judges adjudicate all mainstage productions to select which productions will be on the mainstage. It is the duty of troupe directors submitting productions for adjudication to secure the rights with their licensing companies to record an archival filming of their production.
Directors must submit a copy of their show using a single unedited camera (wide view) from a single night of their production for judges to review. This film will be due within a week of the close of production. If your production is the 3rd weekend of November, videos must be submitted/postmarked no later than Tuesday, Nov 26th for consideration for mainstage. If permitted by publishing company- a digital copy/link is acceptable.
Proof of production permission and royalty payment must be received four weeks prior to the production. Please send these to [email protected].
A Main Stage show must be directed by the Edta Registered Thespian Troupe director.
Troupe membership must be current with EdTA/ITS. Your show will not be adjudicated if your troupe membership is not current with EdTA.
All cast/crew members of a Main Stage show are expected to be registered delegates at the Kansas Thespian Festival. Orchestra members do not have to attend the festival, but if they want to participate in workshops or attend shows, they will need to be registered.
Notification will be made by the First two weeks of December. Please do not email contact the State Director to find out the status of your adjudication.
Please fill out form with principal signature and bring to August Kickoff Meeting.
If you have questions about main stage adjudication or performance, please email[email protected].