STO Application
All thespians interested in becoming STO’s and helping to lead Kansas Thespians and the Kansas Thespian Festival please read the above informational packet.
Applications Due December 1
Applications Due December 1
Questions about STO's or Student State board can be directed to [email protected]
Click Here to see Bios of the Current STOs
What is an STO? STO stands for State Thespian Officer.
What does the SSB do?
Who can be an STO?
- The STOs are the student leaders, representatives, and hosts for Kansas Thespians and the Kansas Thespians Festival.
- It is their job to represent Kansas Thespians, the member troupes, student thespians, and adult leadership.
- It is their job to represent Kansas Thespians, the member troupes, student thespians, and adult leadership.
- They are the student leadership who help plan, manage, and host the state festival.
- STO’s are the student leadership and are members of the Student State Board (SSB)
- STO’s are also the leading student advocates of both Kansas Thespians and the festival.
- STO’s teach and lead at least one and possibly two workshops during the festival
- Normally the workshops are on leadership and advocacy.
- Normally the workshops are on leadership and advocacy.
- The STOs will also serve as the communication link between the students and the adult state board; therefore, it is their job to serve as an advocate for the students.
- The Student State Board (SSB) is made up of leader representatives from troupes across the state.
- SSB members represent their school by helping to plan and take on host duties for the state festival.
- STOs and STO candidates join the SSB first and then through an application process are selected to take on additional leadership responsibilities.
- The troupes of Student State Board members receive a discount on their registration for their representatives work as part of the SSB.
- Attend the Kansas Thespian Festival Kickoff Meeting in August
- (Aug 17, 2024 at Salina Central High School)
- Students attending Kickoff should be with their troupe director.
- My troupe director can’t attend. Can I still be on the SSB and apply to be an STO?
- Get written permission from your troupe director that you can attend and represent your troupe.
- Get one of your parents or guardians to drive you and attend the kick off meeting with you.
- Get written permission from your troupe director that you can attend and represent your troupe.
- My troupe director can’t attend. Can I still be on the SSB and apply to be an STO?
- Troupes are allowed to bring a total of three students to the kick off.
- Only one of these can be a senior and it is recommended that troupes bring more underclassmen.
- A current STO does not count towards a Schools SSB Members.
- Only one of these can be a senior and it is recommended that troupes bring more underclassmen.
- (Aug 17, 2024 at Salina Central High School)
- Be a member of the SSB GroupMe, with a signed contract.
- SSB Groupme Contract (
- SSB Groupme Contract (
- If you are unable to attend and would still like to run for STO, you must contact the STO Advisors at [email protected].
- This email must include your name, phone number, and reason for missing.
- This email must include your name, phone number, and reason for missing.
What does the SSB do?
- Help to plan, host and participate in the festival under the guidance of STO’s and STO Advisors.
- Jobs the SSB has include:
- Thespy Room Manager
- Festival Host who helps guide students and answers questions from the STO host table.
- Workshop host who helps presenters
- Helping to sell ducks and other merch
- Ushering for shows
- and more.
- Thespy Room Manager
- Jobs and responsibilities will be posted to the SSB GroupMe for sign up.
- STO candidates may be asked to work additional sessions.
- STO candidates may be asked to work additional sessions.
- Jobs the SSB has include:
- Six students maximum are placed on the Kansas Thespians STO board. The board consists of a chairperson, two to four at-large members, and one vice chair-person.
- Individual board job duties for the members at large are decided after appointment to the board during one of the board’s meetings
- Individual board job duties for the members at large are decided after appointment to the board during one of the board’s meetings
- The Vice Chair must be a sophomore at the time of appointment, and will serve for two years (during their Junior and Senior years) and will become the Chairperson for their second year of service.
- If a sophomore is not appointed during the application process then a vice-chair will be selected from among the At-Large members after placement of those members. In this case they would only serve for one festival or year.
- If a sophomore is not appointed during the application process then a vice-chair will be selected from among the At-Large members after placement of those members. In this case they would only serve for one festival or year.
- The At-Large positions can be either juniors or sophomores at the time of appointment.
- At-Large positions are appointed on a yearly basis. This means a sophomore placed in an at large position would have to reapply for a second year as an STO.
- At-Large positions are appointed on a yearly basis. This means a sophomore placed in an at large position would have to reapply for a second year as an STO.
Who can be an STO?
- Any sophomore or junior who is:
- An inducted Thespian through ITS and EDTA
- In good standing with their home troupe and their school.
- A member of the SSB in the year they apply.
- A Kansas Thespian Festival attendee in the year they apply.
- Has a GPA of at least 3.0 before applying.
- An inducted Thespian through ITS and EDTA
- The person must have a desire to be a strong leader and be prepared to work for the good of Kansas Thespians, its students, and its directors.
- Express your interest to your troupe director. You must have their recommendation.
- Troupes can have a maximum of two students apply for STO.
- Only one member of a troupe can be appointed to the STO board.
- The placement of the Vice-Chair takes precedence over that of an At-Large Member.
- The placement of the Vice-Chair takes precedence over that of an At-Large Member.
- The home troupe of the current Vice-Chair cannot have an STO applicant.
- Only one member of a troupe can be appointed to the STO board.
- Troupes can have a maximum of two students apply for STO.
- STO Candidates must be a part of the SSB for the festival in which they are applying and must serve as a part of the SSB during the festival including working a variety of the SSB jobs.
- Attend the STO lead workshop(s) presented by the current STO during the Festival.
- STOs will lead at least one workshop in Advocacy or Leadership and they may present both.
- If you are unable to attend the workshop please let the STO advisors know as soon as possible and a reason must be provided.
- STOs will lead at least one workshop in Advocacy or Leadership and they may present both.
- Complete the STO Application process that is posted below.
- Fill out an application and questions
- Read and complete the contract by getting all necessary signatures.
- Submit a headshot and bio to [email protected], either by email or shared with google drive. Please be sure to confirm editing or viewing access when sharing through google drive.
- The headshot should look like you.
- This does not have to be professionally done but this will be the headshot that is used for the ballot and the Kansas Thespians website if you are appointed so it should look nice. Think Playbill style headshots.
- This does not have to be professionally done but this will be the headshot that is used for the ballot and the Kansas Thespians website if you are appointed so it should look nice. Think Playbill style headshots.
- The bio should be slightly longer than a normal program/playbill bio but should not be long.
- Please make sure to edit and have someone else also read your bio.
- You can see current STO bios on the Kansas Thespians website.
- Please make sure to edit and have someone else also read your bio.
- The headshot should look like you.
- The current STO’s, STO Advisors, and possibly other members of the ASB will read the applications and conduct video conference interviews with the applicants.
- All Interviews will happen on Sunday, December 8th and be recorded for voting and selection purposes. You will be contacted by the STO advisors to schedule a time slot. You will be asked the following with the associated time restraints:
- To prepare a speech over why you want to be an STO and why you feel would be a good candidate. (45 seconds)
- An impromptu question pertaining to the specific you and your application. (30 seconds)
- An impromptu interview question consistent for all candidates. (30 seconds)
- To prepare a speech over why you want to be an STO and why you feel would be a good candidate. (45 seconds)
- All Interviews will happen on Sunday, December 8th and be recorded for voting and selection purposes. You will be contacted by the STO advisors to schedule a time slot. You will be asked the following with the associated time restraints:
- After interviews, applicants will be narrowed down to a group of approximately eight STO candidates.
- The STO Candidates will be announced by email and in the SSB GroupMe.
- Applicants who are not moved on to STO Candidate are still a part of the SSB and expected to continue to serve in that capacity.
- The STO Candidates will be announced by email and in the SSB GroupMe.
- STO candidates will continue to serve as a part of the SSB and will take on the following responsibilities.
- Wear an STO candidate button.
- Fill in gaps in responsibilities not filled by other members of the SSB.
- Serve for a period of time (about 90 minutes) at one of the STO tables during the festival.
- Attend the workshop session(s) offered by the STO.
- There is normally one workshop offered in both Advocacy and Leadership. It is recommended that you attend both but only one is required.
- Conflicts with attending these workshops should be addressed to the STO Advisors.
- There is normally one workshop offered in both Advocacy and Leadership. It is recommended that you attend both but only one is required.
- Wear an STO candidate button.
- The STO’s, EdTA representative, STO Advisors, Troupe Directors, and ASB will all vote.
- Consider this process a long interview or audition with a practical aspect, rather than as an election.
- You are NOT campaigning for the position but are interviewing for the position throughout the process and festival.
- All voting parties will have the ability to review your recorded initial interview, headshot, and bio before the festival. This allows all voting parties to be aware of who the candidates are and their qualifications before voting.
- Voting happens while at the festival.
- You are NOT campaigning for the position but are interviewing for the position throughout the process and festival.
- Newly elected STO’s will be notified around lunch on Saturday of festival and will be announced during the awards and honors portion at the end of the festival weekend.
- STO’s are appointed on a point based system.
- The Festival Kickoff Meeting, Advocacy & Leadership workshops, and service as part of the SSB are counted as 5% of the total points
- The current STO vote is 40% of the total points
- The EdTA representative, STO Advisors, and possibly Chapter Director and Festival Director vote is 30% of the total points
- Troupe Directors/ASB vote is 25% of the total points
- The Festival Kickoff Meeting, Advocacy & Leadership workshops, and service as part of the SSB are counted as 5% of the total points
- The sophomore with the highest number of points will automatically be elected as vice chair. The remaining at large positions will be selected from the remaining candidates based on points received.
- Prepare positives and constructive feedback regarding the festival and submit them to the STO Advisors.
- This should be submitted by February 1.
- This should be submitted by February 1.
- Attend the Kansas Theatre Advocacy Day in Topeka. This day is always in March as a part of Theatre in our Schools month. The official date will be announced during the Festival.
- If your troupe is not attending you will need a parent or sponsor troupe to attend. Contact the STO advisors if this is an issue.
- If your troupe is not attending you will need a parent or sponsor troupe to attend. Contact the STO advisors if this is an issue.
- Attend the monthly STO meeting head via video conference currently at 8:00pm on the first Sunday of the Month.
- Attend the STO planning retreat in June or July.
- This will be a two day, one night event. We will start at noon on Day 1 and will conclude early afternoon Day 2.
- This is a full planning meeting. We will develop theme, logo design, workshops and more during this retreat.
- If attendance is an issue contact the STO Advisors ASAP.
- If attendance is an issue contact the STO Advisors ASAP.
- All costs for the retreat itself will be taken care of.
- You will need to provide your own transportation to this event and any meals to or from are your responsibility.
- You will need to provide your own transportation to this event and any meals to or from are your responsibility.
- This will be a two day, one night event. We will start at noon on Day 1 and will conclude early afternoon Day 2.
- It is recommended that STO’s attend ITF, but it is not required.
- If you need assistance, advocacy help and paperwork can be provided to help talk to both your school and district about assistance.
- If you attend the International Thespian Festival, it is recommended that you attend any/all of the STO events that are offered!
- If you attend the International Thespian Festival, it is recommended that you attend any/all of the STO events that are offered!
- If you need assistance, advocacy help and paperwork can be provided to help talk to both your school and district about assistance.
- Attend the festival kick off meeting held normally on the third week of August.
- This is required for STOs.
- Transportation is your responsibility and you must have an adult with you.
- Kansas Thespians would prefer that this be your troupe director, but will also accept a parent.
- Kansas Thespians would prefer that this be your troupe director, but will also accept a parent.
- This is required for STOs.
- Assist with the planning of the Festival.
- Stay in constant communication with fellow STOs, the SSB, the students and troupes under you, the ASB, Chapter Directors, and the STO advisors.
- This can be done through email, phone, social media, and text.
- There will also be a separate STO GroupMe that will be used to communicate with the other STO and STO advisors.
- There will also be an SSB GroupMe that can be used to facilitate communication between STO and SSB.
- This can be done through email, phone, social media, and text.
- Attend Kansas Thespian Festival the year of service. You will attend this festival for free, but you are expected to be a leader and work for the majority of the festival.
- STO are allowed to participate in Festival activities and are encouraged to audition and submit a Thespy.
- Please communicate the ways you are participating including workshops you wish to attend to the other STOs and STO advisors.
- Please communicate the ways you are participating including workshops you wish to attend to the other STOs and STO advisors.
- STO are allowed to participate in Festival activities and are encouraged to audition and submit a Thespy.
- The final event of the STO is Kansas Thespians Theatre Advocacy day in Topeka in March after their festival of service.
- STO’s must be able to meet deadlines, make sure the groups under them are meeting deadlines, and have good time management and communications skills.
- STO’s must be proactive and responsible.
- STO’s will be encouraged to travel to surrounding schools to see shows and support the Thespian Troupes close to them.
- This is highly encouraged, but not required, as a way to increase support and build comradery amongst Kansas Thespian Troupes
- This is highly encouraged, but not required, as a way to increase support and build comradery amongst Kansas Thespian Troupes
- STO’s must serve as an example of the ideal Thespian.
- The Vice-Chair will repeat as an STO for the following year serving as Chair-Person the second year.
- The Vice-Chair must be a sophomore in the year they are selected.
- The Vice-Chair will need to fill out an application and meet with the STO Advisors and possibly chapter director to be able to continue as Chair-Person.
- Junior at-large STO members that wish to be an STO again the following year, must re-run.
- The Vice-Chair must be a sophomore in the year they are selected.