BACKstage Challenge
Teams must register with Festival Registration
The Tech Challenge will be changing it's name in 2025 to match ITF to Backstage Challenge. This is a series of events that are designed to test students knowledge of basic skills that every technician should have. The combination of partner and individual events underline the principle that theatre technicians do not work alone and an ensemble that works together to accomplish the given tasks makes the production successful. In technical theatre, both time and accuracy are critical to a successful outcome. As artists we demand excellence in the tasks we are given, but as technicians we also have to perform the tasks quickly and efficiently so as not to disrupt the production process. The Backstage Challenge officially runs from 1:00 – 4:00 pm on Thursday (the first day of the Kansas Thespian Conference). Backstage Challenge is run at the same time as Thespys. There is no fee to compete in Backstage Challenge. School’s are limited to one team. |